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Principal's Message

Mr. Webb with students

Don Webb
BFES Principal

September 6, 2024

Hello Birmingham Falls Community!  

Welcome to Birmingham Falls Elementary School, and congratulations on making the City of Milton your home!  My name is Don Webb, and I am honored to be your principal at BFES.  I take my job very seriously, and I work hard for the Birmingham Falls Community in providing a fun, happy, and collaborative place to learn and work.

At BFES, we have so many ways we build community and make sure our students have the best elementary school experience. Events such as the Welcome Back Ice Cream Social, character parades, Storybook Forest, Book Fairs, Maker Space, grade level winter performances, Career Day, and Field Day are just a few of the ways your student can connect with their classmates, learn, and make memories!  At BFES, we also celebrate Red Ribbon Week, Exceptional Children’s Week, Autism Week, and Black History Month with educational activities and dress up days. We expanded our choices for afterschool activities for our students who want to learn new things outside the classroom like Kid’s Chess, Cooking Club, Soccer Club, Girls on the Run, Rise Up, and Off Broadway to name a few. On Monday and Friday mornings, our Bobcat Moms and Dads welcome students in the carpool line while jamming to music.  The 5th graders at BFES take a three day-two night field trip Jekyll Island each year.  If you need a laugh, often we announce a joke of the day on afternoon announcements.

At BFES, we have a highly involved and active Parent Teacher Organization.  The PTO has furnished classrooms with books.  They have invested in our students’ science and math education in supporting our STEM Lab. The STEM Lab is a parent volunteer hot spot!  The PTO has helped resupply playground activity games, added tether ball sets and musical sets to the playground, and painted activities on the playground blacktop while also providing the school with a book vending machine to support our new literacy initiatives. They provide funds for staff to purchase materials and supplies for instructional learning.  The PTO also hosts spirit nights at local restaurants, food trucks at the school, movie nights, bingo nights, auction nights, and ice cream socials as well as staff appreciation lunches and breakfasts.  Their generosity and goodwill for our staff and community are endless and always so appreciated. Thank you for joining PTO and for supporting the entire Birmingham Falls' community.     

The School Governance Council is also an integral and important part of BFES.  The SGC has funded a student created/centered playground, purchased technology for students, provided outdoor seating, added flexible seating throughout the school, and invested in a student sensory room called The Oasis. Grade levels have composed wish lists for curriculum items needed to enhance learning that the SGC has generously funded.

I am always excited to begin a new school year with new and existing students. Thank you for trusting our staff with your children.  We will do our utmost best to ensure they are well educated, they feel secure and safe, they feel valued, and that they are proud to be a Birmingham Falls Bobcat.

Don Webb - Principal