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Online Resources

To log into Classlink, students will use their:

  • Username: student number (10 digit number)
  • Password: birthdate MMDDYYYY (students may NOT change their password.)

    Note: Students should know their student number as this number will follow them through High School. If you are unsure of your child's student number, teachers have provided their student number in their agenda or homework folder.

The resources noted below are available:


McGraw-Hill ConnectED-For Grades K-5
"My Math" Resources are available via Classlink. Students can access math curriculum and resources via the Student "My Math" eBook for their individual grade level.

iReady- For Math: Grades K-5
Provides personalized instruction targeted for students' individual learning levels in Math (K-5).


iReady-For Grades K-5 (HMH Central in Classlink)
Provides personalized instruction targeted for students' individual learning levels in Reading (K-5)


Science and Social Studies:

McGraw-Hill ConnectED-For Grades K-5
Students can access the "Georgia Inspire" Science online resources, videos, and extension activities as well as their grade level textbook.

Additional Resources: (Easy Tech Keyboarding)
Here's an engaging platform to develop critical 21st century skills for all keyboarding students in grades K-12.  The program provides keyboarding lessons while exposing students to a world of adventure and information, complete with exciting new activities and typing games.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding our online resources, please contact Mrs. Nation at